
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Which is the best email service available on the net?


It is obviously gmail and if you want an invitaion u can send me oamil on i will invite you and you can open your account

Which is the best email service available on the net?
this answer is universal,gggmmaaaial
Reply:Hard to say. Gmail is very popular these days:
Reply:Gmail or MyWay. MyWay, at least when I used it last year, is identical to Yahoo in it's set up, except that it's about 50000 times faster. No banner ads either.

I still prefer Gmail though.
Reply:you couldn't post this question if you didn't have yahoo
Reply:Well if you can afford a paid service is the best. If you want a free service gmail, yahoo and rediffmail are all similar with one or two features here and there. But i think if you see the new Yahoo Beta! Mail its coolest! Also (new name for hotmail) from microsoft is comming up as a good service, but still it lacks some charisma.

However, if you want all your mail right into some mail client like outlook or outlook express and prefer reading it offline hotmail ( is best.
Reply:yahoo, also try gmail
Reply:hotmail if you want security....

yahoo - security + storage capacity

gmail _ Monstrous Storage capacity...

here i didn;t mean gmail doesn't have secuirty its very good difficult almost impossible to break but yahoo's is better! Hotmail is boss of all in security,but tooooo poor Storage capacity
Reply:I like Yahoo. My daughter likes hotmail. They're both good.
Reply:If by "on the web" you mean html mail, aka hosted mail, I think the answer to that needs to come from your criteria. Hotmail is one of the oldest of these services. It was pioneering in its day, and with microsoft behind it, it's very reliable.

Yahoo and Gmail are both better services in my opinion. Yahoo is great if you're bought into all the related Yahoo services. I personally use Gmail, and it was pioneering for 2 reasons: first extensive use of Ajax, which makes the user interface a lot more intuitive than that offered by a lot of the original webmail companies. Second, they came out with accounts with 1gig of storage (now 2 gigs) and turned the business on its ear. Lycos and Aol have followed recently and offer as much as 3-5 gigs of storage, but Gmail lead the way.

To get a better answer, you'd have to be more specific in terms of what you want the service for, and what features are important to you. The other thing is that, since they are all free services, at least to sign up and try, there's no reason you can't create an account in each, and try them all out.


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